MB Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects) - Version 1.0 MB Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects) Software is an astrology tool that is based on the Vedic astrology principles and calculates the angular distances between any two astrological planets and also explains the influence that positions of mutual planetary aspects have on you. After you get the sputa drishti analysis or planetary aspects interpretations from MB Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects) Software, you can understand how your nature, characteristic features and personality traits have been influenced by the relative angular positions of the planets as they appear in your natal chart. Each of the astrology planets has certain influences on the various aspect of your life. The influences of the planets are again affected by their positions from a number of perspectives such as the planet and sign compatibility, planet and house lord compatibility, general planetary patterns, and also from the perspective of relative planetary angular distances. Certain characteristics in you and some of your basic instincts exist due to the sputa drishti influences on