Word 2010 Recovery - Version 11.04 MS Word is a word processer program which is widelyused by worldwide users for storing and editingvaluable information. AS it save various kind ofinformation such as texts, titles, labels, indexes,images and others in .doc or .docx file format so thereis much possibility of file corruption. Often userscome across problems in accessing those Word data whenDoc or Docx files get corrupted due to numerous reasonssuch as virus intrusion, unexpected system shutdown,crash of MS Windows and many more. In order to help youregarding such issues, Recoveryfix for Word tool hasbeen developed. It is currently the best availablethird party Word 2010 recovery tool in the market.It is a proficient Word recovery tool that helps youfor complete recovery of Word 2010 documents. With thehelp of Recoveryfix for Word tool, you can easilyrecover texts, images, tables, graphics, Word arts,hyperlinks and OLE objects with their format intactfrom corrupted or damaged Word file. This Word 2010recovery tool enables you to restore documents of both.doc and .docx format and is also compatible with theearlier versions of MS Word. It is much capable toextract data from partially and severely corrupted Wordfiles. The entire recovered data from damaged Wordfiles are preserved with their original properties. Youcan evaluate the capabilities and performance of Wordrecovery software for free as it is available with freetrial version. For more details visit:www.microsoftwordrecovery.net