Exchange Server Database Recovery Tools
Learn How to Recover corrupt Emails, calendar, contacts, file etc in Exchange Server by follow simple steps of Enstella for Exchange Server Database Recovery Tools. These software first attempts scanning process to deeply analyze all Exchange Server corruption issues after that repair and recover all Exchange Database issues without delete previous Exchange EDB Data. This application fix dismounted Exchange EDB File and transfer Exchange EDB Data into PST Outlook/EML/MSG and HTML with original manner. No limitation that how many create users account in your Exchange Server because it gives the facility to recuperate countless Exchange Mailboxes Data issues and Extract Exchange Data into running MS Outlook with all zip attachment/properties/appointment/journal/calendar/header image/contact/body information etc. This product during recover Exchange Server Database to PST provides the split option to divide large recovered PST File into small PST File from 1 GB to 5 GB. You can recover Exchange Server 2013/2010/2007/2003/2000/5.5/5.0 and Export Data into PST. These programs permit to recover emails from Exchange Server to Outlook by filtering to dates “from date” to “to date”. This tool gives only related features to recuperate Exchange EDB Data and restore into PST Outlook.