Exchange OST to PST
If you have desire to convert OST to PST file then you can use InFixi Exchange OST to PST converter software. Using this software you can easily migrate OST to PST file without affecting original OST file data. Then you can easily access all mailbox items as inbox, outbox, deleted items, drafts, notes, journals, contacts, appointments and sent items etc. Therefore OST to PST conversion tool is very popular software in the global market. Here we are discussed some key features of OST to PST recovery software which are as follows: *Superbly export outlook OST to PST file with original message format - RTF, EML and HTML. *Easily convert outlook OST file into various format - PST, EML, MSG and HTML. *Smoothly supports all outlook file versions - 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 and exchange OST file versions - 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, 5.0. *Compatible with all MS window O/S - Win XP, Win 2000, Win 7 x32, Win 7 x64, Win vista, Win8.1 and Win 8. *If you want to transfer OST to PST file then you can try Exchange OST to PST conversion tool in which you can easily export OST file to PST file but you can't save it. Then you can purchase it at only 99.95 USD.