Great EDB to PST Converter
EDB to PST Converter Software if you want to repair damage EDB File & recover data from EDB file without difficulty. By taking help of EDB Converter to PST Software you are capable to Convert EDB File to PST file in accurate messages formats such as- TXT, RTF & HTML. Superb EDB File Conversion Software helps you to extract emails from EDB File & convert Exchange EDB to PST file along with every email properties- to, bcc, cc, date, time & subjects etc. Just grab EDB to PST Converter Software to convert exchange EDB to PST File with full attachments- Draft, Journals, Tasks, Calendars, Notes Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, & Contacts in just few minutes. The EDB File Conversion Software let you open Exchange EDB File into outlook file in safely manner. It software fully supports all Exchange EDB file and Outlook versions. There are some features of EDB to PST Converter Software * Smoothly find EDB file location by two type’s option (Automatically and manually) * Instantly fix EDB file errors and issue to repair EDB file * Smoothly recover unlimited size of EDB file and Convert EDB File to PST, EML, MSG or HTML * Export single selected EDB emails into every format * It works on EDB File version up to 2013 * Allows you to export exchange database into PST file * Split large PST file into small PST file from 1GB upto 5GB * With demo restore 25 EDB Emails per folder into each format at free of cost but to restore more emails you have to download full version of the software at affordable price.