Exchange 2013 EDB to PST
Is your 2013 exchange EDB file got corrupted or damaged? And you are waiting for a solution to convert exchange 2013 emails to PST File, so just make use of the perfect Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Software that automatically detects .edb location and extract each folders or emails in order to convert exchange 2013 EDB to PST Outlook file with emails properties- to, bcc, cc, time, subjects and from, embedded images and zip attachments. Exchange EDB to PST Converter Software performs to convert selected folders items from EDB File into PST Outlook file with emails, contacts, calendars, task, notes, inbox items, outbox items, journals and appointments etc. Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Software successfully convert mailbox to PST exchange 2013 without losing any data. Through Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Software users can convert exchange 2013 emails to PST Outlook file, EML, MSG and HTML format. While saving data EDB File to PST, you can split the recovered PST file by size upto 5GB during conversion. There messages filtering option is provided, define dates range and recover emails without facing difficulty. Try demo version of the Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Software that allows restore 25 emails per folders into each format at free of cost.