Enstella EDB to PST Converter
Don’t have any idea that how to convert EDB to PST? Then you can use Exchange EDB to PST converter tool which easily works on all corrupted EDB file and convert EDB file to PST file in less time. By using EDB to PST recovery software you can recover entire emails from EDB file into new healthy Outlook PST file. Microsoft EDB to PST conversion program gracefully retrieve EDB file data and transfer EDB file data into PST file without facing any problem. EDB converter software allows you to convert EDB to PST with complete respective folders- Inbox, Notes, Sent Items, Contacts and calendar etc. EDB to PST tool easily split big PST file into small PST file from 1GB to 5GB. This EDB to PST Recovery software is more capable to re-build exchange mailbox and convert them into PST outlook. Here are some key Features of EDB to PST Converter Software:- * EDB conversion tool auto detect EDB file location and save EDB file to PST * Repair corrupted EDB file and open EDB file data into PST file * Efficiently recover EDB emails b/w two dates- (from date-to date) * Extract Exchange EDB file from such Exchange versions as 5.0, 5.5/2003 to 2013 * Export single and multiple attachments into provided formats * Convert EDB file to PST/EML/MSG/HTML file * You can watch EDB file into PST files as 97/2000/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 * By demo restore only 25 emails per EDB File folder into every formats at free of cost but to restore more emails just download full version.