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  Web Development - HTML Color Pickers

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  MyStarterBlog  -  Version  1.7.0

MyStarterBlog(MSB) is a simple online/offline content management system(CMS) with added features to help you make money online. Many bloggers are using online CMS for their main blog. It's okay since we do the same ourself. But sometimes, a blogger don't want to deal with security issues, create a database, update plugins, deal with comments spammers... on a secondary blog. MSB can also be used for someone new to blogging but not ready to invest too much time to deal with a CMS. Or, a blogger could decide to split part of a main blog by creating a secondary blog. That's where MSB comes in. With MSB, you write posts and let MSB generate the blog for you. Instead of uploading 4-5MB(first time or with updates) when using a self hosted CMS script, you just upload 100-200KB to your domain. Since those are mainly flat files, they won't overload the server or require a database on the server. If you decide to move to another hosting

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