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  Web Development - Site Management

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  Arclab Website Link Analyzer  -  Version  1.2

Arclab Website Link Analyzer is a software website crawler to analyze and optimize your website. It spiders your whole website checking for broken links, duplicate content, missing tags and other SEO issues. The program spiders your website the same way as search engine robots. It scans each web page (or resource) for links, CSS, images etc. and adds the URI's found to the processing queue. Using additional includes (e.g. subdomains for mobile devices) and excludes (e.g. protected subfolders) you can define exactly what pages and resources should be scanned. Website Link Analyzer locates broken links ('404 Page not found' errors) and shows you a detailed report. The report shows exactly what page is linking to the missing page or resource, so that you can fix the errors in your website. The software scans your website for on-page problems, which can harm your ranking in the search engine result pages (SERP's). The detailed reports and in-depth grid view (site explorer) shows a wide variety of possible problems and recommended improvements. It detects duplicate content, searches for missing or duplicate META tags and page titles, warns you if a title or description is to long (customizable) and many more.

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