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 Productivity Tools - Educational Tools

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Study Aid 1.0
License: Shareware | Last Update: July 09, 2000

An application designed to aid students in learning and organizing their notes. Study aid allows you to save your notes and search through them in an ...
Thetapro 1.0
License: Shareware | Last Update: July 09, 2000

Thetapro, Alphapro, and Deltapro sound files help create various states of consciousness with brain wave patterns useful for meditation, learning, ima...
Flash Knowledge 3.5
License: Shareware | Price: 5 | Last Update: July 09, 2000

Allows the user to create knowledge bases, by creating flash cards, that can be printed, used on the screen and gone through using question and answer...
English College 98-11
License: Shareware | Price: 45 | Last Update: July 09, 2000

A fully interactive course in English Grammar for anyone wishing to improve his or her grammar skills. Suitable for K-12 as well as 1st-year universit...
TypaTune 4.0
License: Commercial Demo | Price: 7 | Last Update: July 09, 2000

If you can type K K G G K K D D G H K... to the rhythm of "America The Beautiful" You can experience the thrill and excitement of playing real music, ...
Astronomica 1.51
License: Shareware | Price: 5 | Last Update: July 09, 2000

A Windows 95 based planetarium program, that offers highly realistic views of entire sky from any place on Earth. Astronomica has easy-to-use interfac...
Verbs 2.1
License: Shareware | Price: 5 | Last Update: July 09, 2000

Currently it supports only French Verbs but future languages are planned. Shareware version conjugates about 500 verbs and the registered version conj...
Astronomy Slide Show! 2.1
License: Freeware | Last Update: July 09, 2000

A freeware collection of high-quality images of comet Hale-Bopp, nebulae, and planets. Captured by the author using a 5.5-inch Schmidt camera and C8 t...
A+ UltraPrep! 1.0
License: Shareware | Price: 4.99 | Last Update: July 09, 2000

A superior preparation tool for CompTIA's A+ Certification Test. A+ UltraPrep! contains 600 questions that will help you study for the exam. The sampl...
GradeStar 2.02
License: Shareware | Last Update: July 09, 2000

A user-friendly computer gradebook for teachers at all levels. This comprehensive grading program calculates and stores grades, tracks attendance, and...
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